The Grass Hut, Kawakawa, New Zealand

Books / Videos



Hundertwasser Architecture

Editor Angelika Taschen - 320 pages
A large beautifully bound book covering the origin of Hundertwasser's ideas on architecture, the manifestoes, speeches and writings. Also features illustrations and detail on over 14 of the major buildings designed by Hundertwasser.



Hundertwasser - KunstHausWien

KunstHausWien is a museum and home of Hundertwasser's work in Vienna, Austria. This book presents many facets of the KunstHausWien building, shows much of his art work and makes an ideal coffee table book. The text is written in German, English and French, and contains excerpts from Hundertwasser's own writing and an interesting summary by Wieland Schmied.


The Power of Art

Hundertwasser the Painter King with Five Skins
Pierre Restany, 1998 - 96 pages
A detailed description of Hundertwasser's life and woork. A good book if you want information about his philosophies and beliefs. Considerable text and illustrations.


Hundertwasser Graphic Works 1994-2000

Hard cover
A catalogue first published on the occasion of Hundertwasser's Graphic exhibitions in the USA and Europe. Richly illustrated with metallic on some prints and information by Hundertwasser on how the graphic prints were achieved.


Poster Portfolio

A portfolio of 12 posters 28cm x 36cm of colourful art prints containing the popular "131 European Twirling His Moustache" and "936 The 30 Days Fax". Good quality poster for framing. No metallic.



Hundertwasser Koln Book

Hard cover. Exhibition catalogue Ludwig Museum Koln December 1980. An anthology of pictures and statements of Hundertwasser about different themes. A kind of document of his ideas and ideologies in English and German. A very special little book.



Harry Rand - 200 pages
This is a colourful book with large printing which is easy to read, covering much of Hundertwasser's art work and some architecture. Throughout the book H. Rand asked specific and meaningful questions which Hundertwasser has answered. These are interspersed with information on Hundertwasser's view of himself, his purpose and the many activities he has pursued as a painter, architect, ecologist and as "one who awakens identities".




by Harry Rand
Hard covered
New by Taschen


Friends at Kaurinui

Soft cover, 52 pages.
Compiled by Noma Shepherd in the memory of the late Doug Shepherd. A special account of their family's involvement with Hundertwasser and the impact they had on each other's lives as friends and neighbours.


My Painting Book

A journey in the world of painting with Hundertwasser.
The Painting Book will give you the motivation to create your own art. Hundertwasser's wonderful pictures and drawings invite young readers to reflect, dream and above all, to paint. Take your beautiful colours and begin your journey to the world of your fantasies.
Soft cover.


Harvesting Dreams - Hundertwasser for Kids



Hundertwasser Taschen Special




Hundertwasser Regentag

Hundertwasser the painter is portrayed in the international prize-winning film by Peter Schamoni. The life and work of the painter are woven into a fascinating, enchanting visual composition using a refined crossfading technique. The effect is a glistening, iridescent display of images, a rainbow of colours on a peaceful rainy day.



Hundertwasser in New Zealand

Island of Lost Desire
The master's secluded antipodean paradise is the site where he can reflect and find himself. He leads a life of solitude and simplicity to sharpen his wits for the cultural debate with society.




Vienna's most recent landmark, the KnustHausWien, is a forum for international exhibitions, a home for the work of Friedrich Hundertwasser, and a museum in which you can feel at home. The KunstHausWein strives to be an impulse generator while propagating the philosophy: 'Art must become meaningful again.




An unusual house that does not conform to the traditional standards and stereotypes of scholastic architecture. It is a modern-day adventure, a journey through an unknown land - the land of creative architecture. Hundertwasser talks about his ideas and concerns about the need for architecture to be more suitable for man and nature.


Note: we hire out videos within New Zealand: $8.50 for 1, $12.50 for 2 plus postage.
Contact us for details.


Hundertwasser Regentag

Hundertwasser the painter is portrayed in the international prize-winning film by Peter Schamoni. The life and work of the painter are woven into a fascinating, enchanting visual composition using a refined crossfading technique. The effect is a glistening, iridescent display of images, a rainbow of colours on a peaceful rainy day.


Hundertwasser in New Zealand - Island of Lost Desire

The master's secluded antipodean paradise is the site where he can reflect and find himself. He leads a life of solitude and simplicity to sharpen his wits for the cultural debate with society.



Vienna's most recent landmark, the KnustHausWien, is a forum for international exhibitions, a home for the work of Friedrich Hundertwasser, and a museum in which you can feel at home. The KunstHausWein strives to be an impulse generator while propagating the philosophy: 'Art must become meaningful again.



An unusual house that does not conform to the traditional standards and stereotypes of scholastic architecture. It is a modern-day adventure, a journey through an unknown land - the land of creative architecture. Hundertwasser talks about his ideas and concerns about the need for architecture to be more suitable for man and nature.


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